Weekly Horoscopes

The Sky this Week, September 15, 2024

This week is full of fated evolution. A partial lunar eclipse sends shockwaves through the realm of Pisces on September 18. Karmic patterns come to a close. Our rose-colored glasses are swapped for a magnifying lens that makes us hyper-aware of the emotional cycles in our lives. No longer can we dig our heads in the sand.

Our intuitions speak louder than our self-doubt. Letting go of our tight grip on illusions that provided a false sense of security, we’re freed. While these changes may be emotionally taxing, a bittersweet surrender follows. Our dreams can begin to manifest, now that we’ve confronted and worked with reality. Make decisions with emotional intelligence. Allow the rest of the pieces to fall where they may.

MANTRA I trust myself to remain grounded through unpredictable times.

ZODIAC SIGN RATINGS This impactful week is all the more personal for Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.

Cancer will experience breakthroughs as they shed limiting beliefs and ideologies.

Scorpio’s love life is up for remodeling and restructuring.

Pisces has a new lease of life as the lunar eclipse charges the skies in their sign.

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